I just noticed that I haven't introduced my bestfriend to you yet. Well I guess now's the perfect time for you to get to know her. We've been friends since we were in Junior High School- it's almost 3 years now. Her name is Irene Severino. Get it? I-R-E-N-E.
Actually I'm at her house as of the moment. Time check: 4AM. Yess, the Zombie bestfriends are still awake and very much ready to eat your time.. not your brainss. ewe.. we're not friggin' cannibals. We're the type of Zombies that obviously has taste. LOLWTF.
Anyways, Irene is someone who you can laugh and cry with.. even at the most crazy moment of your life. She'll be there to act crazy just so you won't feel alone. ZOMG. Before I forget, she's a one hell KPOP Fan Girl.. one thing that I'm not. I guess, opposites do really attract. Well I'm pretty, shes FUGGGLYY. LOLJK. :) We're both pretty in our own ways okay.
Enough of this endless rant. ^_^
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